Learning doesn’t stop when the dismissal bell rings, so to help parents help their children with their out-of-school learning—whether it’s during the school year, on vacation, or during the summer—we have compiled this handy resource list of websites and apps.
Language Arts
- Puppet Pals HD (free)
- My Story Book Creator School Edition ($3.99)
- Rory’s Story Cubes ($1.99)
- iMovie (free)
- SpellingCity (free)
- Cursive Writing (free)
- Videolicious (free)
- Math Fact Master ($0.99)
- Fractions (by Brainingcamp) (free)
- DiaMath (algebra learning tool) ($0.99)
- DigitWhiz Math (free)
- My Math Flash Cards (free)
- Geoboard (by The Math Learning Center) (free)

Social Studies
- Google Earth (free)
- Geo Walk: World Factbook & Natural Science for Kids ($2.99)
- Science 360 for iPad (free)
- KidScience (free)
Other Web Resources
- Dance Mat Typing teaches your child how to type.
- Quit Smoking Community helps parents with becoming tobacco-free.
- Hand in Hand Parenting provides insights, skills, and tools for parents to building meaningful connections with children.