Thawing the Winter Brain Freeze

Most parents today are well-aware of the studies showing that children lose knowledge and skills over long breaks from school. The holidays are a time of fun and relaxation for most, but, with a little planning, you might just be able to halt the loss of some of those skills and engage your children in inspiring ways.

Preparing for the Science Fair

Winter Break is right around the corner and the science fair is coming up just as quickly. Getting a jump start on those science fair projects, or at least preparing for the event, could be a fantastic way to keep kids engaged and stimulated during the lulls in holiday cheer.

The Red Planet: 50 Years of Successful Mars Exploration

Mars regained the world’s attention this fall, with recent news of the discovery of liquid water on the planet and a new blockbuster film set on Earth’s nearest neighbor, The Martian. This is a timely moment to focus on Red Planet Day, November 28.

Celebrate the fourth planet from our solar system’s sun with our series of blogs discussing general information about Mars, some of the more than 40 space missions humans have launched to study the planet, a section on the future of Mars and plans for manned missions to the planet, and concluding with links to fiction and non-fiction on Mars.

Holiday Business Expo & Craft Fair

La Paloma Academy South is pleased to announce our Holiday Business Expo & Craft Fair on Friday, December 11, from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Local businesses will showcase their crafts during our holiday “Cookies with Santa” event, offering students, parents, and guardians the perfect opportunity to pick out some distinctive holiday gifts.

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11/11 @11

Just a reminder that students at La Paloma Academy, your Tucson charter school, have Veterans Day off. Locally, there are a few mid-week opportunities available if you’re looking for a special way to spend the day with family or honor the spirit of the day.

Making the Most of Parent-Teacher Conferences

With fall, the first report cards and parent-teacher conferences of the academic year arrive. La Paloma Academy, your Tucson charter school, is no exception to this rule. Information on these one-on-one sessions with your child’s teacher will be going home shortly, making this the perfect time to discuss how to ensure these meetings are successful and useful for all involved. Every year there is more research documenting the connections between academic achievement and parental involvement in schools. La Paloma believes firmly that parent engagement in education is vital to the academic success of every student, and encourages parents to be active participants in their student’s academic growth. We all—parents, students, teachers, staff, and administration—play important roles in the achievement of a shared goal: academic and character achievement.

Goal Setting With Report Cards

The quarter ends this month and La Paloma Academy, your favorite Tucson charter school, will be sending home report cards soon. Instead of just pin-pointing on the grades, look at these as part of an ongoing conversation about your child’s education. Report cards are a great way to notice and celebrate accomplishments, as well as a tool to help set explicit goals for the upcoming quarter or the rest of the year.

Fall fun for the whole family! Don’t miss our Harvest Fest

Join us for a family fun-filled night on Friday, October 30th, for our Harvest Fest! The fun begins at 6:30pm, where we will have face painting, dunk booths, a haunted maze, bungee run, a photo booth, plush riding animals, games, a cake walk, and concessions/food. Admission is free. There is a charge for all games and food. Don’t miss out!

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La Paloma Academy Voted Top 3 Charter School in Tucson

In the Arizona Daily Star’s 2015 Readers’ Choice competition, the Tucson community voted La Paloma Academy as a one of the top 3 charter schools in Tucson. The voting concluded on August 31 and included 34 area charter schools. The paper published the Readers’ Choice Awards and Favorites in a special section of the paper on Sunday, September 27. You can also view them online.

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Thanks to Our Heroes

We are truly grateful to have had the opportunity this past Friday to honor the heroes of 9/11 and those who continue to serve in our community today. Thank you to everyone who attended, especially our guest speakers, who continue to keep us safe every day.

We are Respectful, Responsible, and Kind

At our Tucson charter school, we are adopting a new approach to our school culture—the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). This system basically involves catching students doing the right thing. Rather than focusing on negative actions or behavior, and negative language, we promote and acknowledge positive actions and behavior through positive language.

Engaging in Your Child’s Education

Parents want their children to succeed. While we may be well aware staying involved in our children’s educational process can help them excel, it’s not always clear how to best achieve this. La Paloma Academy believes academic success is a team effort, and families can be incredible advocates for a child’s education.