Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week in May is nationally designated as Teacher Appreciation Week. Of course, we think the wonderful teachers who do so much for our students should be acknowledged every week! Even so, May 4-8 is a great time to show your child’s teacher how much you appreciate what they do every day.

What Parents Need to Know About this Year’s Standardized Testing

Late in 2014, the Arizona State Board of Education adopted Arizona’s Measurement of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching (AzMERIT) as the new statewide standardized testing. The new exam system will be given to 3rd grade through high school students in April and will replace the AIMS test in reading, writing and math.

We wanted to answer some questions that have come up so everyone is aware and on the same page as we adapt to this important change in education.

Make the Most of Drive Time

If you are one of our many families who drive to and from school every day, you have the gift of undivided time with your children—time that is all yours, without other distractions! Make the most of it by using it for positive communication or fun activities. Here are some tips for having a fun and productive morning and afternoon drive time.

Practicing Patience as a Virtue

Everyone has to wait. Whether it’s waiting in line at the grocery store, waiting on the sidelines at a sibling’s soccer game, waiting in the lobby for dance or karate class, or waiting to be picked up by the bus or carpool for school, life just has a lot of waiting.

This teaches all of us that patience is a skill that inevitably has to be learned. It can be one of the hardest skills to learn, but it is truly one of life’s lessons that cannot be avoided. Most of us are taught that patience is a virtue, but most of us are never taught why.

Encouraging a love for reading

Where does the love of reading come from? It may be the comfort you felt sitting on a parent’s lap listening to a bedtime story. It may be that one special book that transported you out of the everyday world and made you want to go on amazing adventures. It may be an inspiring teacher who fired your curiosity about a topic.

What Not To Wear

Most folks are familiar with the TV show by that name. Many schools do their own version of what not to wear. They have a long list of clothing deemed inappropriate for school and spend a lot of time and energy monitoring how students are dressed every day. That is time unwisely spent, in our opinion—time that should be spent on the business of education.

Some Benefits of Playing Team Sports

As we kick off the second half of our school year, our team sports here on campus continue as well as our students’ other extracurricular activities that they might be involved in outside of school. While we take academics very seriously, it is also necessary to look at the importance of sportsmanship and how being on a team teaches valuable life lessons. Here are some examples:

A Lesson in History: New Year Resolutions

A New Year brings new goals, fresh starts and positive forward thinking. Whether it’s our diet, exercise routine or tendency to procrastinate, there is always room for improvement in the coming year. Not only adults benefit from New Year resolutions; our students can also learn a lot about self-discipline and the value of making goals. Everyone, children and adults, have heard of the tradition of making a personal list of new purposes, but do you know where this tradition comes from?

Keep Learning Alive During Holiday Break

Beginning December 22nd and joyfully extending through January 4th, we will be away from school appreciating family, friends and traditions. Time for splendid holiday fun and ringing in the New Year!

Happily, the holiday break is a chance for our school-based learning to be applied to real life situations. Students can do this without realizing that they are using the talents developed at school and keep their math, writing, reading, etc. talents sharp with these creative ideas.