Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month by celebrating the history, culture and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. La Paloma South is proud to take part in this celebration by holding a fun fiesta on Friday, September 12th from 6 to 8 p.m. The whole community of Tucson and beyond is invited to join in the cultural festivities that will bring people together to celebrate diversity.
A message from Principal Bummer:
As of August 18th, our school has started a tutoring program that will affect grades 2-8, primarily in Reading and Math. This program is designed to help improve academic growth. In order for your children to be successful, we have set parameters for admittance into the tutoring program. Students will be admitted into the program if:
If you ask your child what makes him or her successful at our school, he or she will probably tell you about our excellent teachers. What students take away from a successful education usually centers around a strong connection with teachers who inspire them to achieve their dreams.
This year, La Paloma is proud to begin using Beyond Textbooks. As Common Core standards are further implemented across the state, we are rising to meet the challenge. We want to help our students succeed by introducing this innovative program.
I don’t know about you, but I am already a little tired of seeing and hearing the back-to-school hype on TV and the radio. It’s true that school resumes at La Paloma Academy on Thursday, July 31st, so it is time to start getting geared up for your children to resume their educations.
It’s my belief that a key to preparations for starting a new school year should be getting your children organized prior to the start of school. I know that the teachers and staff at La Paloma Academy are in the midst of getting organized, as well for the start of the new school year.
We are always looking for ways in which to improve academic achievement, especially in the areas of reading and mathematics. According to recent research, programs that were designed to enhance social and emotional support among children also improved academic performance.
When: Monday, July 28th
Time: 4 to 6 p.m.
Where: La Paloma South, 5660 S. 12th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85706
Round up your kindergartners & have them meet their new teachers!
Ease into this special transition ahead of schedule. Bring your kiddos to meet their first teachers before the school year begins.
Start their successful transition ahead of schedule.
The start of summer vacation means a chance for families to deviate from their routine of getting up at the same time each morning. But, is that the right thing to do?
Meet your teacher before the big day and see your new classroom! It’s an exciting time of year.
Parents and students are invited to this come-and-go event. Questions will be answered to ease first-day-of-school jitters.
Refreshments will be provided!
When: Tuesday, July 29, 4 to 6 p.m.
Where: 5660 S. 12th Ave. (near Drexel Rd.)
For more information please call, (520) 807 – 9668.
Join us for our 2nd annual Enrollathon, starting Wednesday June 11th. Enrollment is easy!
Champions Choice Insurance and Financial Services LLC sponsored an award assembly for LPA South.
Parents, school is almost out. What will your children do all day? Research has shown that if students don’t have academic stimulation over the summer, they return to school one month academically behind.