La Paloma Academy prepares students based on Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards (AZCCRS).
Today’s high school graduates are entering a global workforce and must be able to compete for jobs or college admission, not only against their peers in Arizona, but in other states and even other countries as well. That’s why La Paloma Academy employs the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards curriculum used by nearly every public and charter school in Arizona, and in almost every state in the country.
The Arizona College and Career Ready Standards are designed to improve educational outcomes for students by raising the bar for student performance to ensure they’ll be college and career ready.
This video from Expect More Arizona explains why the standards are so important for Arizona’s schools and students.
The Arizona Department of Education has a helpful website for parents who would like more information on the AZCCR Standards.

Additionally, these links explain specific standards:
Current Curriculum
English Language Arts Curriculum
- Houghton Mifflin HarcourtInto Reading (Kindergarten – Eighth Grade)
- UFLI Phonics (Kindergarten – Second Grade)
- Heggerty Reading and Writing (Kindergarten – Third Grade)
Supplemental Reading Resources
- Beyond Textbooks
- Rooted in Reading
- Grammar Guide
- BrainPop
- Scholastic News

Intervention Reading Curriculum
- mClass Intervention
Math Curriculum
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Math (Kindergarten – Eighth Grade)
- Generation Genius
- Beyond Textbooks
Intervention Math Curriculum
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Diagnostic and Interventions
Social Studies Curriculum
- Holt World History: We the People (7-8 Grade)
- Scholastic News
- Brain Pop
- Beyond Textbooks
Science Curriculum
- Generation Genius
- Amplify Science (3-5 Grade)
- OpenScienceEd (7-8 Grade)
- Brain Pop
- Beyond Textbooks
Specials Classes
- Beyond Textbooks

Beyond Textbooks
At La Paloma, we utilize an instructional program called Beyond Textbooks to guide our curriculum. Beyond Textbooks “refers to a philosophy of teaching and learning that transcends textbooks and state standards to strengthen support for communities of teachers, facilitate teaching and learning, and improve student growth and achievement.”