Arizona Parental Rights Handbook READ
Teacher Credentials for Parental Review
- A binder of all resumes of instructional staff can be found at the school front desk for your review, or at the Corporate office (5704 E. Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ, 85712)
- A charter school shall keep information about the employee’s educational and teaching background and experience in a particular academic content subject area in the personnel file of all current employees who provide instruction to pupils.
- A charter school shall inform parents and/or guardians of the availability of the information and shall make the information available upon request for inspection to parents and/or guardians of pupils enrolled at the charter school.
- This subsection does not require any charter school to release personally identifiable information in relation to any teacher or employee, including the teacher’s and/or employee’s address, salary, social security number or telephone number.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of students’ education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student at age of 18, or after enrolling in a school beyond the high school level.
The U.S. Department of Education has information about FERPA for parents and eligible students, including how to obtain copies of school records. If you have any questions, please inquire at the front desk.
Notification of Free Language Services
Free language assistance, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations are available upon request.
Source: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Executive Order 13166; 7 CFR 246.8(c); DR 4300-003 6 (c.) and 8 c.(3); FNS Instruction 113-1, Sections VII and XII; U.S. Department of Agriculture Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Regarding the Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Persons with Limited English Proficiency, 79 Fed. Reg. 70771, (Nov. 28, 2014) (USDA LEP Policy Guidance); and DOJ LEP Guidance.
3rd Grade Retention
According to Senate Bill 1258 and Arizona Statute 15-701, our school must retain any 3rd grade student who scores Minimally Proficient (MP) on the AzMERIT test. The only exemptions to this are if the student is an English Language Learner and has had fewer than two years of English language instruction, or if the student has a disability as defined in Arizona Statute 15-761 and the IEP team agrees that promotion is appropriate based on the IEP.
What does this mean? Our school will have strong intervention and remedial strategies put into place for your child if they are retained in 3rd grade. As a parent, you can talk with your child’s teacher and principal about options for your child’s support for the following year. Intervention and remedial strategies that may be used include assigning your child to a different teacher for reading instruction; summer school reading instruction; intensive reading instruction that occurs before, during, or after school; and/or online reading instruction. Your school has programs in place that they will assign your child.
When test scores are released in the summer, if your child tested in 3rd grade and scores MP in the reading portion, you will be contacted through a phone call and/or letter which will inform you of the retention, as well as review the intervention pieces that will be in place for your child.
It is our goal to partner with you and make this transition as smooth as possible for your child. The goal is that your child will be a successful reader, which will provide them the foundation necessary to succeed in other areas of school. If you are unsure of how your child is doing in reading, please contact/email your teacher. Please email or call your principal if you need further clarification on this policy or any of the intervention pieces in place.

Move On When Reading
Arizona’s Move On When Reading legislation is designed to provide students with scientifically based reading instruction in kindergarten through 3rd grade in order to position them for success as they progress through school, college, and career.