Keeping Up With the Patriots!

Stay in the know this school year. For the start of school, we wanted to give all our Tucson charter school parents and caregivers a handy reference tool. We’ve put together this list of important items to be aware of for a successful school year.

Keeping in Touch With Facebook

Remember parents, La Paloma Academy has a Facebook page. It is another great resource to keep up with what’s going on at school. We post about upcoming events, link our newsletters, and blog posts. These pages also have great school photo albums. So stop by—like the page, check out our snapshots or read some useful posts and articles. And once again …

Welcome to LPA!

Visit Our Facebook Page

Welcome Back Patriots!

We hope all of our students got off on the right foot to start this school year. Now that we have gotten through the first day of school, it is the perfect time for a few reminders.

Parent Volunteers needed for Breakfast Program

LPA Central is in need of friendly and reliable parent volunteers to help with our breakfast program. Duties would include monitoring students while they eat breakfast and helping students get to their classrooms on time when they are done eating. Breakfast lasts from 7:30-8:15 a.m. each day. Interested parents must have fingerprint clearance. Please contact Mr. Ewald if you would like more information at Thank you!

Over Summer Break, Avoid Summer Slide

Ever heard of the summer slide? It’s not a rollercoaster – though it does often include a sudden drop! The summer slide refers to the two months out of the classroom that cause kids to lose some of the reading and math skills they worked all year to learn. When they return to school, they must re-learn those skills before they can begin to take on more.

Keeping Up the Pace All the Way to Summer

During the last month of our school year, we know we are up against warmer weather and the sweet smell of approaching vacation. That means we not only need to work harder to keep our academic expectations high but also creatively plan for how we are going to keep students engaged and attentive in school.

The Smart Choice in Summer Fun

Summer is almost here, and right about now parents are starting to wonder about the best way to keep kids active, entertained, and productive while school’s out. La Paloma Academy Summer Camp will once again offer an 8-week program to keep kids in grades K through 8 learning and having fun.

Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week in May is nationally designated as Teacher Appreciation Week. Of course, we think the wonderful teachers who do so much for our students should be acknowledged every week! Even so, May 4-8 is a great time to show your child’s teacher how much you appreciate what they do every day.

End-of-semester sale!

Announcing our BIG SALE on all in stock school clothing. All sweatshirts are $10! All collared shirts are $8! New T-shirts are $5 and the old style are just $1! Plus this year’s yearbooks will be here in the middle of May. Don’t miss out and reserve yours today for only $22.50. Last year’s yearbooks are on sale for $5. Get everything while you can!

What Parents Need to Know About this Year’s Standardized Testing

Late in 2014, the Arizona State Board of Education adopted Arizona’s Measurement of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching (AzMERIT) as the new statewide standardized testing. The new exam system will be given to 3rd grade through high school students in April and will replace the AIMS test in reading, writing and math.

We wanted to answer some questions that have come up so everyone is aware and on the same page as we adapt to this important change in education.