Goal Setting With Report Cards

The quarter ends this month and La Paloma Academy, your favorite Tucson charter school, will be sending home report cards soon. Instead of just pin-pointing on the grades, look at these as part of an ongoing conversation about your child’s education. Report cards are a great way to notice and celebrate accomplishments, as well as a tool to help set explicit goals for the upcoming quarter or the rest of the year.

Peace: An Everyday Becoming

We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom. – Dwight D. Eisenhower

In 1981, the third Tuesday of September was designated as the International Day of Peace by UN resolution 36/67. That date was chosen to coincide with the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly. In the resolution the General Assembly set out that the day “shall be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideal of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”[i] The resolution further invited all member states and organizations of the UN and the world to commemorate that day as they saw fit, including through education and cooperation.

Engaging in Your Child’s Education

Parents want their children to succeed. While we may be well aware staying involved in our children’s educational process can help them excel, it’s not always clear how to best achieve this. La Paloma Academy believes academic success is a team effort, and families can be incredible advocates for a child’s education.

Keeping Up With the Patriots!

Stay in the know this school year. For the start of school, we wanted to give all our Tucson charter school parents and caregivers a handy reference tool. We’ve put together this list of important items to be aware of for a successful school year.

Our New Approach to Progress Reporting

The first Wednesday of every new quarter this year, La Paloma Lakeside asks parents to spend a few minutes in their children’s shoes. At the planned Parent Data Meetings, parents will have the chance to sit at their child’s desk, where they spend a good portion of the school day. A data folder is prepared for each child to demonstrate how they are doing so far. These folders will also contain information on areas where the student may need assistance. La Paloma hopes that these Parent Data Meetings will be a useful tool for parents, teachers, and students and will allow them a new take on their child’s classroom situations.

Amazing New Building Renovations at Lakeside

We have exciting news for parents and students: our school is going through some impressive changes this summer. We are making up-to-date additions that will not only improve our students’ educational experience, but also offer more room and resources for our wonderful teachers.

Over Summer Break, Avoid Summer Slide

Ever heard of the summer slide? It’s not a rollercoaster – though it does often include a sudden drop! The summer slide refers to the two months out of the classroom that cause kids to lose some of the reading and math skills they worked all year to learn. When they return to school, they must re-learn those skills before they can begin to take on more.

La Paloma Academy is Offering Free Summer School

Our teacher-recommended, Title I program is the excellent way to keep students’ learning skills fine-tuned and primed for next school year. Specialized ELA, math, reading and writing classes are being offered June 1-25, Mondays to Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Keeping Up the Pace All the Way to Summer

During the last month of our school year, we know we are up against warmer weather and the sweet smell of approaching vacation. That means we not only need to work harder to keep our academic expectations high but also creatively plan for how we are going to keep students engaged and attentive in school.