Start The New Year By Improving Kids' General Well-Being

How to Improve Kids’ General Well-Being in 2019

Everyone knows what it’s like to go to work when we’re tired or not feeling well. The day is long, we don’t do as good a job as we usually do, and we’re sluggish and unenthusiastic. If that’s how it is for adults, think of how long and difficult the school day must be for children who aren’t feeling as well as they could be feeling.

Halloween Treats you and your Kids Can Make Together

There are several holidays that kids love. They love the parades and fireworks on the Fourth of July; they love the decorations and excitement surrounding the end-of-year holidays; they may even love all the good food and getting together with friends and family at Thanksgiving. There is, however, no holiday more kid-centric than Halloween. Oh sure, many non-kids like to get in on the Halloween action, but they are interlopers…intruders.

Is Reading Important? It Could Mean a Lifetime of Success

There are hundreds of statistics to reinforce the value of developing good reading habits at an early age. While every parent has probably heard the dire warnings, the development of reading skills is so important, it bears repeating again and again. Good readers have brighter futures than poor readers, and the die is cast as early as fourth grade. Children who are not reading at a proficient level by the fourth grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school.

Musicianship Class for 2nd and 3rd Graders

Beginning in the second quarter, students in the 2nd and 3rd grades can sign up for tuition-free musicianship classes. If your child is interested in music, this class will teach the fundamentals and prepare them to begin playing a musical instrument.

Celebrate Diversity Through Food at EL Potluck

Join us on September 21, 6-7:30 p.m.! Please bring a dish to share with others. Contribute a dish from your country, or a dish you absolutely love. Please tell us if there’s anything in your dish (peanuts, dairy, etc.) that might affect allergies.

Celebrate the diversity that makes La Paloma Central such an amazing place!