Join us for our first SPIN EVENT

Mark your calendar because you won’t want to miss our SPIN Event on August 27th.

  • You will be able to as a Family shop at the Book Fair.
  • You will be able to enjoy an Ice Cream Sundae.
  • You will get information about the school, the programs being offered like Title 1, etc.
  • You will be able to do a family Scavenger Hunt and see if you can find a book to enjoy as a Family.


La Paloma Tackle football has started!

Practice this week will be as follows:

Monday thru Wednesday – 5:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
Thursday and Friday (school begins) – 3:45 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Getting ready for the new school year

I don’t know about you, but I am already a little tired of seeing and hearing the back-to-school hype on TV and the radio. It’s true that school resumes at La Paloma Academy on Thursday, July 31st, so it is time to start getting geared up for your children to resume their educations.

It’s my belief that a key to preparations for starting a new school year should be getting your children organized prior to the start of school. I know that the teachers and staff at La Paloma Academy are in the midst of getting organized, as well for the start of the new school year.

The La Paloma Advantage

We are always looking for ways in which to improve academic achievement, especially in the areas of reading and mathematics. According to recent research, programs that were designed to enhance social and emotional support among children also improved academic performance.

LPA Tackle Football

Attention, anyone interested in signing up for our LPA tackle football team (we are the defending state champs)! The cost is $125. You must have a valid physical and must be in grades 6-8. Mini-camp starts June 16th. Anyone interested can call Coach Jim Lawwill at 245-2545.

Let’s go Camp-ing!

Parents, school is almost out. What will your children do all day? Research has shown that if students don’t have academic stimulation over the summer, they return to school one month academically behind.

Helping children cope with change

News flash: We’re almost at the end of another school year! As if anyone needing reminding, right? Our school is busy wrapping up lesson plans and planning graduation ceremonies. At such a busy time, it’s easy to overlook a child who might be struggling with the emotions that often come at the end of a school year.

Show some love to your library!

Have you been to the library lately? The teachers and staff here at Heritage have been focused lately on the importance of preparing for AIMS testing as well as honing students’ skills in math and reading. This can extend to non-school hours, too! Local libraries are a great resource for parents and students in both regards.

‘Every Day Counts’ in school

We are in the midst of our best weather of the year and summer vacation is just around the corner. Though the school year is coming to a close, we wanted to remind parents that attendance in these last few weeks are just as important as they are at the beginning of the year.