Month: February 2015

Practicing Patience as a Virtue

Everyone has to wait. Whether it’s waiting in line at the grocery store, waiting on the sidelines at a sibling’s soccer game, waiting in the lobby for dance or karate class, or waiting to be picked up by the bus or carpool for school, life just has a lot of waiting.

This teaches all of us that patience is a skill that inevitably has to be learned. It can be one of the hardest skills to learn, but it is truly one of life’s lessons that cannot be avoided. Most of us are taught that patience is a virtue, but most of us are never taught why.

Encouraging a love for reading

Where does the love of reading come from? It may be the comfort you felt sitting on a parent’s lap listening to a bedtime story. It may be that one special book that transported you out of the everyday world and made you want to go on amazing adventures. It may be an inspiring teacher who fired your curiosity about a topic.